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Introduction to JavaScript


What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is a programming language that runs in all modern web browsers. It is used to change what is displayed on a web page in response to user activity.

This tutorial is intended to give you a very brief introduction to JavaScript. It barely scratches the surface of all the things that you can do with it - it is enough for you to understand our next tutorials that do more interesting things.

Most words in programming have special meanings. We’re going to take some time during this tutorial to explain what some of the commonly used words mean. Words which mean a specific thing will be marked in bold. Try to remember them, as it’s important for you to understand what other programmers mean when they use them, and what the documentation means when you read it. You can always look back at this tutorial later to remind yourself.

Getting started

Download the files required to begin working through the tutorial from here.

We recommend that you use Chrome for this tutorial, as the instructions are written to match it closely, but you should be able to do all the same things in any web browser.

We’ve given you two files. One is script.js, which you should open in your text editor. This is where you’re going to write your code. The other is index.html, which you should open in your web browser. This is a very small file that tells your browser to run the code in script.js.

For this tutorial, you will also need to open the console. In Google Chrome, use Ctrl + Shift + J on Windows/Linux or Alt + Cmd + I on Mac. You can also right click with your mouse and press “Inspect”. The console should look something like this:

google chrome console example

The console can appear in several different places. Below is the example of two of them, the first “docked to bottom”, and the second “docked to right”. You can change the location of the console by clicking on the three vertical dots located next to the cross (clicking on the cross will close the console). Their locations are indicated on the picture below.

console locations

Writing your first line of JavaScript

The console is a place where you can type a single line of JavaScript, and it will immediately run. Try it out now, by typing the following line into the console, then pressing enter:


You should see something that looks something like this:

console hello example

Your screen might not look exactly the same as this, but it should have the same three lines of text in the console. If you don’t see this, get your coach to help you.

A few important things have happened here, which we’re going to go over in more detail in the next section. For the moment, you should see where it’s printed Hello! in your console. That’s what console.log does: it takes the thing you give it, and prints it in the console.

You should also see two other lines: one with the code that you typed in, and one that says undefined. There should be two little arrows to the left of them. The arrows tell you that this line is about something that was typed into the console directly. For now, just remember what they look like.

Let’s move on to writing code in a file. Type the same console.log line into your script.js file. Save and reload the page in your browser so that it can read the change you made.

This time, you should only see the line that says Hello! in the browser console, and not the lines that said console.log('Hello!'); or undefined with arrows next to them. That’s because you didn’t type the JavaScript into the console this time.

What you’ve learned so far

  • How to type JavaScript into the console
  • How to type JavaScript into a file
  • How to print things to the console with console.log
  • How to recognise the things you see on the console

We’ve been going really slowly so far, because it’s essential that you are able to do all these things for the rest of the tutorial. If you are unsure about any of them, stop and ask your coach about it now. Otherwise, we’re going to move onto more interesting things.

Values and expressions

Try typing a single 1 in the console. You should see that it repeats the number back to you, with an arrow next to it.

Try typing 1 + 2 in the console. This time you should see it add the numbers together and give you the result.

The 1 + 2 that you typed is an expression. What the console printed with the arrow next to it is the value of that expression. As you’ve just seen, the value of 1 is just 1, and the value of two numbers with a + sign between them is those two numbers added together.

Now that you’ve learnt how to do some simple maths, why not try out some more examples in your console?

On websites however, we don’t just see numbers so we want to do things with words too. A value containing letters is a string, and you write it in quotes. Try typing 'Hello' on the console. Like before, you’ll see it repeated back to you.

Try 'Hello' + 'there'. You should see it combine the two strings into one. The value of two strings with a + sign between them is those two strings concatenated. You’ll also see that it’s missing a space - can you fix that?

Now that you’ve learnt how to concatenate 2 strings, trying practising more so you become more comfortable with it

Try typing Hello without any quotes around it. See how you get an error about Hello not being defined? Words that are not wrapped in quotes are not strings. There’s a couple of things that they could be, which we’ll discuss later, but the important thing to remember for now is that you can put anything you like into a string, but an unquoted word has to be defined before it means something.

There are many more kinds of expressions and values, but we’ll come back to that later.


  • A value can be a single number or a single string
  • An expression can combine several numbers or strings together
  • Every expression can be reduced to a single value


Try typing this on the console:

var a = 17;

You’ll see that it returns the value as undefined, undefined means that the thing you typed doesn’t really have a value. However, this did something else: it created a variable named a.

Now try typing a on the console. You should see that you get back 17. Variables are a way of giving names to values so that you can use them later.

Try typing these:

var b = 12;
var c = a + b;

Now look at the values of b and c. See how it’s storing the values of these expressions?

A line starting with var is a variable definition. You should use this whenever you are creating a new variable.

You can also change the value of a variable. That’s why it’s a “variable”: because its value can vary. Try this:

b = 2;

Notice that you don’t have var this time. If you have a variable name, an equals sign, and an expression, then this is a variable assignment, which changes the value of a variable that you defined earlier.

You’ve just changed the value of b. Remember that you defined c to be a + b? Look at c again and see if it has changed.

You should see that c has stayed the same. Now try assigning it again:

c = a + b;

See that it’s changed this time? This is because the expression a + b is converted into its value immediately when it is used.

Keywords, identifiers, and strings

The word var is a keyword: a word that means something special to the language. var means “create a new variable”.

Earlier in this tutorial, we had you try typing Hello on the console without quotes, and you got an error about it not being defined. You can put anything you like into a string, but things that aren’t in a string need to be defined to mean something before you can use them. The var keyword defines a new word to be a variable. In this section you created the variables a, b, and c, so you could use those.

Unlike with strings, you can’t use any word you like to be a variable name. The kind of words that can be variable names are called identifiers. Identifiers can contain letters, $ signs, or underscores _. They can also have numbers in them, but may not start with a number. The rest of the punctuation on your keyboard cannot be used in identifiers.

The other important rule is that you can’t write an identifier that is the same as a keyword, so you cannot create a variable called var. If you try writing this then you will get a fairly obscure error message:

var var = 1;


Start by typing this on the console:

function sayHello() { console.log('Hello!'); }

It won’t do anything just yet. This thing is a function definition. You can recognise it because it starts with the word function. It creates a new function named sayHello.

Now try typing this:


This thing is a function call. You can recognise it because it’s a name with () immediately afterwards. Try calling sayHello again.

Let’s move some of this into script.js. We wrote the function definition all on one line because that’s all the space you have in the console, but the typical way to write a function is like this:

function sayHello() {

Put that into script.js and reload the page. Now try calling the sayHello function on the console, without doing anything else. You should see that it still works, using the definition that you put into script.js.

Let’s make a larger function. Put this one into script.js:

function conversation() {
  console.log('How are you?');

Try calling the conversation() function on the console. See how it did all three things in order? Functions are lists of things to do. When you call the function, it will do all the things in its definition.

Let’s get a few words for these things before we move on:

  • sayHello and conversation are the name of the functions
  • The lines inside the braces {} are the body of the function
  • Remember from earlier that a function name followed by parentheses, like sayHello(), is a call

Function names are identifiers, the same as variables. That means they have exactly the same rules about what names you may give to your functions. The word function itself is a keyword.

What you’ve learned so far

  • What strings, expressions, values, variables, and functions are
  • What sort of names you can use for your variables and functions
  • How to read and write number and string expressions
  • How to use the + operator on numbers and strings
  • How to store values in variables
  • How to define and call functions

Function parameters

Change your sayHello function definition to look like this:

function sayHello(person) {
  console.log('Hello ' + person + '!');

Now try calling it using sayHello('Archibald').

Try calling the function again using your own name?

What you’ve done here is added a parameter to the function. When you call the function, you put a string between the parentheses. In the definition, you put the word person between the parentheses. While the function runs, person is defined to be a new variable with the value of whatever you used in the call.

Now add a person parameter to the conversation function as well, and try it out.

Some people use the word argument instead of parameter. While there are subtle differences in their meaning in computer science, the two words are interchangeable in practice.

Function return values

Make a new function named greeting. Give it a person parameter like the others.

In the body of this new function, write this line:

return 'Hello ' + person + '!';

Try calling this function from the console. Look carefully at the output: you should see that unlike all the functions you’ve called so far, this one has a value.

return is another keyword: it means “return the value of this expression from this function”. The value of a function call is the value that was given to return. If the function got to the end without ever seeing return then the value of the call will be undefined.

Now change your sayHello function to use this new greeting function, instead of having the message in it. Check that conversation still works afterwards.

Multiple function parameters

Functions can have as many parameters as you want, you separate them with commas. Change the first line of your conversation function to be:

function conversation(person, topic) {

Now add another line to the function that prints "Do you like " + topic + "?" on the console.

Similarly, you call the function like this:

conversation('Archibald', 'owls');

Try it out for yourself.

What you’ve learned so far

  • How to pass parameters to functions, and how to return values from functions


We’ve been putting semicolons ; in various places. A semicolon marks the end of a statement. So far we have been writing one line for each statement, but this is not required. With a few exceptions, you can add extra spaces and newlines anywhere you like. The following statements all mean exactly the same thing:

console.log('How are you?');
  'How are you?');
  'How are you?'

Use spaces and newlines to make your code easier to read. When you’re starting out, it won’t be immediately clear to you what makes things easier to read, so try to follow the patterns that we use in the tutorials. As you write more code this will start to make sense to you.


Semicolons are needed after any statement that does not end in a }. While it is sometimes possible to leave out semicolons and have the program still work, we suggest doing this when learning to make it more readable.

One important exception to these rules is the return statement. You may not add a newline immediately after the word return, because if you write this:

   a + b;

Then it is interpreted as meaning this:

a + b;

If you want to break up a return into multiple lines, you can write it like this and it will work:

return (
  a + b);

We apologise for this quirk of the language.


Another type of value in JavaScript is an object. An object looks like this:

var person = {
    first_name: "Archibald",
    likes: "owls"

The object referred to by the variable named person will now have two properties, named first_name and likes. You can access them by writing person.first_name or person.likes.

The . means “access an object’s property”. The value of person.first_name is whatever value is stored in the first_name property of the person object.

A property is a lot like a variable. You can change the value stored in it by using =:

person.first_name = "Aberforth";


Objects are values. We tend to say “the person object”, but what we really mean is “the object referred to by the person variable”. This is important because you can, and often will, have several variables that refer to the same object. Try this:

var person_a = {
    first_name: "Archibald",
    likes: "owls"
var person_b = person_a;


person_a.first_name = "Aberforth";


Look carefully at the output. Would you expect person_a.first_name to be the same as person_b.first_name?

Writing person_b = person_a copies the reference to the object, so that you have both variables referring to one object. You can then change the object through person_a, and see the changes that you made to the object through person_b.


It is also possible to store a function in a property. When we do this, we use the word method instead of property. You call a method by combining the way you write properties with the way you write function calls:


You may recall this line from the start of the tutorial. You now know enough to understand that console is an object, and log is a method on the console object.

There are many more things that can be said about objects, and we will return to them in a later tutorial.


You should now be familiar with these words and what they mean:

  • strings
  • expressions
  • values
  • variables
  • functions (definitions and calls)
  • parameters
  • statements
  • objects
  • properties
  • methods

You also know how to do all these things:

  • Use the javascript console
  • Store values in variables
  • Add numbers and combine strings with +
  • Define and call functions
  • Access object properties
  • Call object methods
  • Understand what everything in console.log('Hello!'); means

If you’re uncertain about any of these, ask your coach! You’ll be needing to know all of them for our next tutorial.

This ends our Introduction to JavaScript tutorial. Is there something you don’t understand? Try and go through the provided resources with your coach. If you have any feedback, or can think of ways to improve this tutorial send us an email and let us know.