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HTTP Requests and APIs


In this tutorial we are going to look at:

  • HTTP Requests
  • APIs
  • JSON
  • Loading API data into web pages
  • Using jQuery AJAX functionality


By the end of this tutorial you will have built:

  • A webpage that can retrieve information from a GitHub user

HTTP Requests

What are HTTP Requests?

H​yperText T​ransport P​rotocol

Every time the browser fetches data from a server (which could be a page, an image, a script etc) it does it using HTTP. The server then sends back a response. An API is an easy way of fetching information from a remote service, in a way that a computer can understand, typically in JSON format (we’ll talk more about JSON later).

GitHub offers a simple API for viewing its current and historical server availability. Availability means whether or not the GitHub website was accessible to users and accepting traffic. If your website is down, it is not available.

You can access an API in your web browser. Pop the following into the address bar:

You can view all requests issued by a website by going to the Network (or Net) tab.

As part of the response, a request gives back a status code. You can use this to identify if the request was successful or not. Below is a list of the most common status codes.

Status code Message Description
200 OK Successful request
304 Not modified The page has not been modified since we last retrieved data
400 Bad Request The server did no understand the request
404 Not Found The server could not find the requested resource

HTTP Methods

There are several HTTP Methods, but in this tutorial we will primarily be using GET and POST. GET is used to request data from your specified API, whereas POST is used to send data to your specified API.

Exercise 1 - Retrieve GitHub user information

We are going to build a small application that requests information about a GitHub user - we want to show their username, information and picture.

Take a second to think about what HTTP Method we will use to retrieve this data. Is it GET or POST?

If you guessed GET congrats! Now let’s retrieve some data. See what happens when you put into your address bar.

The response will look something like the JSON data below, which we have shortened:

  "login": "octocat",
  "id": 1,
  "avatar_url": "",
  "gravatar_id": "",
  "html_url": "",
  "type": "User",
  "name": "monalisa octocat",
  "company": "GitHub",
  "blog": "",
  "location": "San Francisco",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "bio": "There once was...",

This data is what’s called key value pairs, meaning that the name of the field is displayed immediately before the value. As you can see, the URL for the avatar (user’s icon) is in the avatar_url field, and is

Run the same URL but with your GitHub name.

Getting started

Now Download the exercise files or clone them directly from Github

First, open the HTML page supplied in the download. As you can see, there is a box to type in a username. When the user has typed in the username, they should be able to trigger the API call to GitHub by pressing <enter>.

The following code allows you to listen for a keypress on the input field, and to see if it was the <enter> key that was pressed.

$(document).ready(function() {
  $(document).on('keypress', '#username', function(event) {
    if (event.which === 13) { // check the key was <enter>
      // do something

We will need to pass the username to GitHub, so we need to extract it from the input text box. To show that we can do this - let’s first extract the data using jQuery’s val(), and log it to the console. Something like this should work:

$(document).ready(function() {
  $(document).on('keypress', '#username', function(event) {
    if (event.which === 13) { // check the key was <enter>
      var input = $(this);
      var username = input.val();

      console.log('username was: ' + username);

Now we’re ready to pass this through to GitHub. Let’s make another function, something like this:

function getGithubInfo(username) {
  var url = '' + username;

  var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url, false);

  var data = xmlhttp.responseText;


XMLHttpRequest is the object we use in JavaScript to perform an HTTP or API request. Although it has XML in the name (XML is a data format), it can be used for other formats such as JSON, which is what we’re using here.

We create an XMLHttpRequest object and then call the open method, passing three arguments to the GitHub API.

  1. the method - in this case, 'GET'
  2. the url - in this case the url eg
  3. whether or not to run this request synchronously or asynchronously.

In this case, we’ll specify synchronously by passing false. This means the browser will wait for the call to the GitHub API to finish before continuing.

Making requests synchronously is not good practice, but we’re doing it for now to keep things simple. Your browser may show a deprecation warning but the request will still work. We’ll move onto asynchronous requests further down once we have the basics of APIs covered.

You can now call getGithubInfo, passing the username, from the keypress block above. That will log the data to the console. Next, we need to pass this back to the web page via the DOM.

Handling a successful request

Our getGithubInfo method will return the response from the server, including the HTTP status:

function getGithubInfo(username) {
  var url = '' + username;

  var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url, false);

  return xmlhttp;

If the request was successful, the status code will be 200. If we check that this code is 200, we know we can proceed to reading the data.

Create a new method called showUser() that handles the response from the API, and performs this check on the xmlhttp variable we just returned from our getGithubInfo method. Once the keypress block has called getGithubInfo, it should pass the result to showUser.

function showUser(xmlhttp) {
  if(xmlhttp.status === 200) {
    // show the user details
  } else {
    // show an error

Once we’ve checked the status, we need to decode the data which is stored in xmlhttp.responseText. It’s in JSON format, which is a string, so we need to turn that into a native JavaScript object. We do this using JSON.parse(data).

function showUser(xmlhttp) {
  if(xmlhttp.status === 200) {
    // show the user details
    var json = xmlhttp.responseText;
    var user = JSON.parse(json);
  } else {
    // show an error

Now the user variable will contain all the information we need to update the page. Finish the function to:

  1. Display the user’s Github id in #profile h2 - <user login> + ' is GitHub user #' + <user id>
  2. Add a link to the user’s Github profile in #profile .information. The link should have a class profile
  3. Add an image in #profile .avatar. To do that, you can use the avatar_url from the response.

Handling a failed request

First, let’s make sure we handle any requests that have failed.

Have a look in the status codes. There is only one response code for a successfully request, anything else should be classed as a failure.

When we have a failing request, we want to change the html of $('#profile h2') to No such user!

Try this out using username: iamcodebar (or if someone registered this, make up a random string)


Well done, you’ve finished! For a bonus, switch your getGithubInfo method to run asynchronously - your coach can help you.

Coach… explain the difference between synchronous and asynchronous requests. There’s a good explanation on Mozilla Developer Network (MDN)

Further Learning

If you want to continue your learning on API’s, then watch this video with Kevin Lewis over on our YouTube, where he’ll send himself a text message using the Vonage API.

This ends our HTTP Requests and APIs tutorial. Is there something you don’t understand? Try and go through the provided resources with your coach. If you have any feedback, or can think of ways to improve this tutorial send us an email and let us know.